Light cannon, 18th century
This is a long (but just on timeline) story of this model. In 2021 I had decided to became a part of Design Contest annouced by Alibre. On those days I had used their second software for hobbyist, design called Atom 3D. It`s a CAD with limited options. Very similar to Alibres main software. I went to Muzeum Zaglebia to make some photos of historical objects. During this visit I had found a reconstructed Light Cannon XVIII century.
I had made a model from few parts ot that cannon in scale 1:1. Later I had sended it to a contest and won a 1st place in Best Scale Model category.
In 2023 I had adapted model for 3d printing and made a prototype on Shapeways. It still decorates my shelf.
When I had seriously started to use Blender in work as an artist I used the same model for in dayily practise as an object for retopology.
And later I made some textures, exported it to UE5 to make some scenes with it.
On the begining of 2024 I saw an annoucement of 3D EduArt contest. After that I decided to use this model once again. And I was clasified on second place as adult perdon in Best 3d print design category. Light cannon, 18th century project (for me) is an example of one model, that I never thought a can use more that one time in my life… but maybe this story isn`t over yet.